Picture of Me


I just found out from the swimming pool commercial, where he has the 1 from Wal-Mart with the hose in it, that if someone born around 1960 says to be quiet cuz you're not young enough to be their kid that you're always in trouble for like trying to be cutesy or asking for attention.


They were questioning the Garden of Eden.  I would think that everyone would want to feel the same message after the after-blast.  Saying I am not reacting negatively but what the fact is that is good in the ^issue^ that is obvious.

How to Fix It

It's important.  I'm trying to cool down but can't seem to keep my mouth shut about some questionable things.  I'm trying to calm down for good.


to Drew Barrymore's daughter Frankie!  How did she pick that name?


Howcome when I comment on something, it seems like Ellen gets mad?  I am not mean, but others are.

Why is she being mean to me?  Trying to tell me my place?  People have ruined my life!  Sometimes, she said she has weird things like that as reasons.

My left hand is still shaking, from when I was mad..

Everyone said I was just a shy, sweet, smart girl who needed to get out of her shell but in other ways never change.  Why can't I function?  I literally can't do anything BUT posts pictures of St. Augustine, a joke.  That's something I enjoy seeing and would showing whoever is interested.  Too bad I don't have my old friends.

What, does something this sweet offend|insult.. you??  I don't mean to be rude!  I'm listening.

Let me just say that I got a strange message, like that people need to be mean to me if Ellen is.

Well, okay..  A post filled with some emotion on something.  Not too shabby.  I just can't get to sleep.

Think about that, Ellen extending her weaknesses and repeating it to think she's right to be mean to me cuz so many people are.  Some people don't do that..  I'm not trying to argue in her face, but this is the place to talk and solve things.  It's just interesting and maybe I need some feedback.. might go post a shortened version on IMDb.

What came over me?

My mom forgot my medicine 1 morning.

Anyway, I slapped the wall, not like punching a hole or doing something louder like banging my body against it.  Then I kept like almost hitting things, hit the table.  So bad.  What can I do?  I know I need more time alone.  What should I do if I need to test myself more?

Sorry, again..

..about the confusing comment.  Something came over my being careful.  Guess I must pay the price.  The thing is lots of people are like this, all the time to me, if it interests you.  I didn't mean it outfront or whatever.

Did you realize..

..it's fun to make fun of others and revel in pleasure instead?  That's why I don't do it-


The Ellen DeGeneres Show

I agree on getting good quality sleep at night.

The adorable kids were adorable.

Mary-Kate and Ashley were so cute!  I don't know which 1 I'm like more, but it must have used to be Ashley in a lot of ways I desired.  In fact, "Full House" is on now.

The young homeless music student in college was so cute.  He played so nicely.  He is such a great guy.  I am so happy for all he got.

The Indian guy from Big Bang Theory was very very intriguing and important!
Help Line

I just got really mad.

I tried to come in okay, but my dad came out and did the dishes.  When I stomped, it hurt my leg some.  This is my house, too, you can't throw me out like that.  My dad is mean to me, every day.


If Ellen does not approve of people being bad, why can't we complain about those weird songs they make by black people that sound like they're for her or their notorious popularity?  It sounds like something an old friend thinks channels right.  She acts like that a lot, too.


Did you know they keep making fun of me for watching me?


It's not in my interest that we have Tim Burton honing in as his new move Peter Rabbit. I hope he follows through with it as a good show, my best wishes and respect, though. I do harbor an interest. I know what's going on, though..

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My dad was pretending to rub Ellen. Then, he insulted me back again. If Ellen has something to do with it, she doesn't care @ it. He sounded like he said Mongolian! I went out and stomped. I am going somewhere to work tomorrow, and my night was set off. I am trying to jog!! He rubbed and talked funny to the dog for me and then did it again at the end. No one cares @ Ellen as a baby! It's hurting! I talk, too!!

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How Things Are

I got upset with a stranger but got over it. So trying not to. Forget. :(

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I was upset yesterday, too, about my aunt, she can be so friendly.  I should forget about this and think she won't really k*** me--wait why did I say that?


Nothing against anyone.. I mean so what, didn't I used to talk like this?


I have mood swings.  Just for my well-being, I'm letting you know I just got on Twitter, someone Favorited something, and I felt better.

So, what I'm saying is my aunt gets uncomfortable about little things, and you cloak sorta her hurting me in some way as her response, and sometimes I can't get over things this nasty or mean.


All you constantly do is punish your children for what they think because it gets ingrained in their memory from others?  That's not how the world was.  You make a bigger deal outta things just to make a big deal, these days.


Sorry, if that's wrong, to introduce a sentence such as that like that.  It does not matter what my Gramma and aunt think wrongly about what I do cuz I don't do anything!  You guys make noises around my room all day that annoy me and come in and slice through me when you see me!  What don't you get?!  Why should I care?!


These people keep bothering me.  I'm hungry, and it doesn't matter.  I'm waiting for my dad for supper.


They said they picked a slate because I said my Gramma and aunt don't matter in what you think for the plays this year where I'm auditioning.  Didn't see any musicals or anything like that.

New Video of Me Talking

I didn't mean what you think I meant.

...Look at you all highty tighty thinking you have my older aunt and Gramma to cover you for me and like they can sit there and itch about me.


My older aunt and Gramma don't matter in that I should be punished for things that I should not be bothered with.  I am too old to be punished.


I was in a dangerous feeling place kinda yellow orangish and black, where I had to remember something with others.

Before, I was constantly dodging someone, and they had a big knife by me like in something I saw, and they cut by my hand at the pinky, under it, seemed like it on both sides, and later I saw the wound, not that bad and did not hurt that much.  It was some person I liked who was mean.  Both these people I think were my old teacher Ginny who I should call back to say I'm not taking voice, just kept forgetting.  This whole time I was wondering if I would, too.  Not a good thing.

Photos of Kids


Even if my mom is not touchy with me, I found she does not love me. 3|  (jk but just play along now.)  I'm watching Friends.  Oh, I meant to say our relationship is not clean.


Bugs think other bugs they eat are nasty..  Hm, it punished me..

A Guide in the Darkness

In the back seat of my friend's van, a 3 of us talked gossip, and they are gregarious..  I'm wild at home and not afraid to speak my mind.

A Cute Bug

I saw a beetle kill a caterpillar.  It thought the caterpillar was annoying.  It likes me.  On TV I mean.

To me it was communicating on lots of different levels.  It was rather complicated yet pointed.  The other bugs like me, too.  I don't know if the ants like me nor pay attention.  They are like clones.

Be Attractive!

Ever have that really uptight feeling you don't know who will come up?  Then you see it was me, with something lile, "Let's talk about love, baby."


I am so embarrassed, I dunno if I thought it or if it was partly an accident, but I thought of something that used to come up.  Thank goodness it does not come up as we speak by accident..

Oh no!

Sorry about that post, but I noticed something important.. I am just lettting someone get away with something pathetic that they refuse to reason with anymore beyond.

Another Person Getting Away With It

Sucking up to someone when they have the dominant position.. who cares?  Someone's out to get me - my dad's oldest sister.

I'll take the effort to apologize.

It's not a good statement to make alone, but I'm pretty stressed.  I've been trying to cut back on this kind of thing specifically now, and sometimes it comes up more when you do that, at 1st.


So, I don't really wonder why her husband's mother died.


Because you won't listen.



Why mess up today and make ME pay?

They keep ruining my plans for my dad's oldest sister.  Why look up to anyone who does that?
She didn't do anything supposedly, but I suspect her of wanting to hurt me for not passing in college.


I didn't get up to say good night to my mom.


Why should I listen to these coded riddles?  They all say the same thing, that I'm no good.


They keep ruining my plans for my dad's oldest sister.  Why look up to anyone who does that?

Reading Into Things..

Some people just say whatever is convenient, like that I am a nigger.


The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Congratulations to Ellen for the 1,800th show!  That memory box was amazing!

I liked the audience singing Mic Jagger's song.  It was so amazing also that the guy Adam Levine from Maroon 5 ("I cross my heart and I hope to die..") and The Voice was on.

Ellen on Game of Thrones was really neat.  I am starting to watch more popular things on TV - I like the Big Bang Theory .. saw Sabrina, Full House-

The part at the end about making a trade was cool, too.  I just realized that people were on the show more than 1 day in a row and now you can only get the audience ticket once a season.  Interesting, yes? but not very important, in some ways.  No offense, just commenting..

Mad Lately

I just found I didn't take my pills this morning.  My mom didn't get them out.

Also, before, I thought something violent but not really, I was so mad like with myself.  I am trying to not fix it now, and I just go along, even if I feel submissive, I just brush that thought aside.  I was mainly upset because things could get to me and no one would care.

Something I can talk about is my dad said I was usually asleep on Fridays for lunch.. it's a kind thing to say, but with it comes discomfort..  It's not something he said before.  I mean, if he said it upfront would be okay.  It seems alright..  It makes me sad.  I am sad I may have hurt him sorta by accident, like when I'm mad and close the door-

I also care about other people who are ^affected^ by me.  What do you expect?


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I talked about Ellen's pix as a kid being suggestive, and now I'm treated with being taken advantage.  Also, I was upset and admitted it to myself and it made me think violent "things."  My life is just tough, and peoiple have no right to monitor me like this.


Someone answered me about Karen Carpenter, and I listened to her recently but didn't speak of her online.  There are people watching me in my room and sending messages via private communication.  They aren't supposed to reveal themselves, and I don't think it was to be nice, like when my dad turned on Michael as the Phantom and then Cabaret when I happened to come out, last night.

Just Relaxing

Looking forward to a quiet evening, well, leaving the house.


I'm sorry, I tried to make up for the suggestive topic on IMDb I thought everyone liked..


My dad won't stop bothering me and talking to me in secret messages.  He was supposed to come home from work at lunch to take me somewhere.  Now, he thinks I'm going to the gym after work even.  He also haphazardly decided not to take me to a certain place soon, as well.

Not that Baad

A girl goes up to Sabrina and friend and she says the friend is frizzy.. Sabrina changes her sock color.  The other girl wasn't that bad.


It doesn't make sense only Nell Burton experiences things with others.  It's because of who her dad is.  Like, her mom has to act like she's waiting to meet people.  They do that to me for what I did other than who my parents are, so that's dirt to them.  I am wondering what everyone else does that keeps them happy, having those cutesy teacher moms.  Not having black hair because you're half Chinese and your dad's a good-looking brunette.  Things like swim and gymnastics and ballet.  My parents don't do all those things for me, like fix my hair, look at my eyes.

Pining Over the 1980s AND

I was alive then but very small.

Remember "Labyrinth" and "The Neverending Story?"

Saaayd (Sad)

I'm watching Sabrina, and it's extremely depressing to know you might not meet anyone famous and same for your fellow citizens.. or people together to converse that you like a lot, same thing..

All I Found So Far - 1965


If the mental hospital is not a nice place, not as bad as some jails, does that mean we're bad?

Testing the Waters

for me


I was in a bad mood and a commercial disturbed me before.

Dark People

We feel sorry for them if we are smart and attractive, we don't hate and disclude them.

Posting on IMDb

I guess Ellen was introduced to mature feelings early, and Tim Burton is following her.. and people like me never do it at all.  I am Northeastern from the South.


Tim Burton, who I respect, isn't coming back to direct Alice in Wonderland 2.  Guess he has what he wants.  No offense..?


This girl on the Bing Bang doesn't seem like she'll stop hoping.  She might win over the white blonde nerd Chloe Sevigny.  She has a lot in common.


I don't want to get lazy and risque.  I just said to myself I'm mad.  Then bullshit came and I didn't know where it came from.  I had to go up to k***.  I do not get how my life is going.  I just need more time alone to calm down, but I couldn't sleep and got hungry!  I saw my dad or mom put out an empty box of energy bars.

Old Humor

The Big Bang Theory

A guy has a TV over a shirt with his head talking.  He wants them to like it.  A girl says, "I don't see the difference."  He says, "Thank you, .. that's what I was going for."


I am baking a cake|brownie from scratch.  It's in the oven.


A girl was at a wedding, and there was this girl so attractively modeling a car and she was like oh no and left the wedding because like the attractive girl would be upset she waited so long to be so happy, since most of the world isn't like that.  :)  She would realize all her life could have been better and break down.


Has everyone seen the Suburu commercial.  They show the girl was in there since she was a baby and now her mom lets her in the front seat and she's like smiling happy, like a teen, saying, "Whoo uh h t?"  They drive away and she says it again.  People don't think I can kid but everybody else can!  They did this since I was 11!  Like she said it partly with an attitude!  The thing was that she was just being friendly and figured out a way to say it better, but I can still tell!!

My point was..

..I had to think I was upset bargaining I'd get upset again otherwise.  I'll try to ignore again.  All the messages I deny, so I dunno now, I mean before that seemed like the go' (goal.)


"The Ellen DeGeneres Show"

It was nice to see Jeenie.  She was so cute but didn't seem as happy at the end.  She reminds me of me.

The nuns were so funny!  It was hard to believe they were real nuns.  I also am not marrying nor dating now.  I do like flirting.

The dancer was really cute!

Loni was so funny.  The 1st girl to answer seemed really nice but could use some more friends~

The student going to an Ivy League school was cool, as well!  I am so happy for him + seeing his family!


So, yea, I was wondering about other people who watch the show.  I've talked to people online, but it's not very rewarding, as most don't put much effort to respond and I don't have a collection space to show it off.


Bad words CAME to me.  So sorry!  I also thought ha ha what if someone hurts you I know all about this stuff.  Not funny, but this is so incessant.  All the time people are interrupting the inner flow of my brain.  All the time!  I'm not being overly emotional.  I'm just saying.


I can say something and not really harm anyone and make my stand, but that's what they don't want, how personal and disgusting!


My dad sounded like he said in a bad New Orleans accent, "You ain't gonna -fall- down."  HE'S THE 1 BEING MEAN TO ME!!  I'm going somewhere, and I don't want this to be on my mind really..


Now, these people are threatening me.  I have nothing to do with their lives.  What is this shit?


My parents are still bothering me.  My mom keeps saying words like to associate shit with my future daughter|kids.

Getting Over an Anger Episode

My dad won't quite messing with me.  He's coyly looking at his DJing and he put on stuff to annoy me and then went off and did stuff I don't know about.  I had to admit just how mad I was so it wouldn't come out.  I got an image I didn't like that I had to revel in but barely.  I cannot say what my real feelings are but that this is preposterous to flag me out to the world bad for no reason.  It's Tim Burton or related stuff that did that.  It might be the N word thing.  Even - okay I'm back.  You all need to know when you think of k***ing someone that the result is disgusting.  I pictured something like wrapped in spider web, like on the TV show I watch, the beginning intro. to each show, a spider wrapping a bug, "Those Who Kill" starring Chloe Sevigny.  So, no, I did not revel in it itself, but it made me feel like I wasn't bothered and tried to erase it.  I didn't think it on purpose.  There might be something in me that could not stop it unless turned on and peppy.  If I just sit there, I'll have no defense mechanism.  And I'm not a dork, though this isn't the time to be wondering.  I had more to say.  What's wrong with my dad picking music he wants?  He made me lose focus when I said someone, unnamed, was a nonentity.  I just sorta dozed off!  I didn't mean anything.  Why just give up on relationships with me?  I was in bed trying to go to sleep then woke up and had to eat.  The music he played was stuff I didn't wanna hear.  It was just for saying nonentity by accident.  Of course, I'm viciously angered.  I don't think you guys care, though, nor does he, with whom you like to converse - being mean to me!  I'm more angry about these people constantly reminding me of saying nonentity.

Tonight Tonight

I'm just relaxing and cooling off and will get to bed in no time, wake up early and exercise and watch "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" at some point.


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New Picture of Me


Welcome to my Blogger!


Sorry about last night.. I was a bit upset but am feeling better where I am. I'm over it, shoulda put on music or something or just tried harder to go to bed.

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Not too much damage done.

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What's'uh Big Idea?

What's with the idea I can never be right?

So, you bothered me and messed me up and the proof is in the pudding?

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Having Fun

Listening to Sarah Brightman!

Can't wait to see Ellen. ;]

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I was so mad at people.

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My dad made 1 side of my face droop @ the neck.

My Gramma is getting involved saying she has a 50% hearing loss. Someone else started like 1/2 Japanese.. Why don't you? Also, it has something to do w/Easter.

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Found Out

My spine hurt a bit last night.

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What I said meant something, but too bad not sure what happened. Do you think I'm up late?

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I guess

I need to pay attention to how things have changed. Not sure, I was preoccupied too much, funny I'd try to figure how to get calm.

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I got mad but didn't do much that weird in public. I was trying to calm down, but my dad riled me up. Not literally. I just don't wanna just be with Dad.

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I was in lots of annoyance.. not sure why I said that, but no one seems to care. I just lost it, truly sorry. :/

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@ if you didn't like "like a nonentity" as a term.. I dunno wut to say. Bye. I take it back. Well, I'm being made fun of. Why should I have worried? At home I said something weird like that. Oh well.. On something else.

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What's the excitement @? Why hurt us for your wrongs?

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Worried I hurt my dad. :(

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Why are some people just like stimulated nonentities while others can't even be considered good at what they're good at?

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He won't stop!!

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WOW the zoo is being mean. I lost my friends to someone!!

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More Mad

My dad reached behind him, too. He did it for no reason. He touched his nose. He said he'd do a favor. I wanna h** him.

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It may be an example, but whoever thinks it's okay it's not.

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They keep bringing her up. They are being mean.

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My dad also touched his underarm.

They wanna believe my Gramma is nicer.

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You tracking me down.. Someone needs even more support?? What else?

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I do not want certain person to have the glory of thinking they're mom to me, annoyingly back rolling their eyes.

Oh wow, someone knows what I'm really saying. This is how I am. I don't have any problems. You all are loonies. You don't listen to anything for what it is.

I AM nice.

Also my dad made it seem like I was ^going^ to the music in a tacky way.

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On a diet, already looking okay.

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No one cares what I said about me, I'm just another person!

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If Ellen keeps pleasing bad people, they'll come for more.

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